Tuesday, 16 December 2008

December picture

So I've started working on my December picture and decided to make a cheesy christmas tree and some gifts and this is my progress so far

Made a small livingroom corner in wich my tree will stand in. Did this in a very simple way, created three planes and arranged them like this and applied materials to them to look like a nice litle corner

Here I've begun to add to the picture a bit more

The gifts are boxes that I shaped a litle bit to make them look more real, and added some home made gift wrap material to them, to finish off I put a Torus Knot on top of them with the same material to give them a lot better look.

Here is the picture after I gave it some shadows and lightning. Also begun working on the tree, created it using an helix and a circle and shaped it up real nicely to give it that christmas tree look, only finishing touched left now with most of the modeling already done. Need to add fur to the tree and maby a litle decoration.

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