Tuesday, 16 December 2008


I had litle to none experience in 3D before this semester and found myself struggling in the beginning to produce any real and good enough pictures, but I feel my end results are better than I expected and I really learned alot this semester.
It was when I really need to get a grip of the program when it kicked in and I started modeling my original ideas of the pictures I wanted to make and stop doing tutorials.
I also learned that I needed to start making and modeling my own pictures alot sooner instead of trying to learn the program doing something other people had already done.

Im overall very satisfied with my semester and look forward to start learning 3D animation on next semester. It will my a good challange to rise up to and I'm really up for it after learning so much this first semester in 3D modeling.

Three Final Pictures

April - Football final picture

January - birthday cake final picture

December - Christmastree+gifts final picture


All done with the thrird and final picture

This picture demanded the most work of them all, making the fur work and look real was a real battle but in the end I am very satisfied with the final look of the picture, added some decoration on the tree to give it a more realistic look and I feel the shadows look really nice on this one.

December picture

So I've started working on my December picture and decided to make a cheesy christmas tree and some gifts and this is my progress so far

Made a small livingroom corner in wich my tree will stand in. Did this in a very simple way, created three planes and arranged them like this and applied materials to them to look like a nice litle corner

Here I've begun to add to the picture a bit more

The gifts are boxes that I shaped a litle bit to make them look more real, and added some home made gift wrap material to them, to finish off I put a Torus Knot on top of them with the same material to give them a lot better look.

Here is the picture after I gave it some shadows and lightning. Also begun working on the tree, created it using an helix and a circle and shaped it up real nicely to give it that christmas tree look, only finishing touched left now with most of the modeling already done. Need to add fur to the tree and maby a litle decoration.


Here is my finished January picture

Added a plane underneath it to make it look like it was standing on a wooden table. The picture also has shadows now and some lettering in the cake to give it the final touch.

Im happy with the end result in this picture, I didnt think it would turn out to be any good since I'm not a good baker (joke) but I'm happy with how the picture turned out.

January progress

So for January I decided to make a birthday cake because its my birthday month. I begun to make the plate for the cake

Doesnt look like much in that picture but my next step was to create the birthday cake itself, so using the cylinder primitive I begun building and shapeing my cake

So here is my cake after I put some chocolate like material on it and added a litle decoration to the bottom of it.

Now most of the work is done, only thing left is small finishing touches, adding a plane for it to stand on and some shadows maby.


Here is my first finished picture

As u can see I added some trees for the background and put some shadows into the picture for the final touches and I'm pretty satisfied with this picture.
Always fun to play around with the shadows and I really like the outcome of them in the final version.

Next up will be January